It's time to deal, he says.
Mrs. Shame sends her regrets to Mr. Reasons. She can't deal.
Mr. Reasons does not accept regrets.
Mrs. Shame, who does not understand the rules, deals.
She waits for Mr. R. to take his turn.
Sometimes he takes long timeouts.
Mr. Reasons did not send any instructions, she realizes too late in the game.
She looks it up herself, she knows he doesn't like to explain.
Mrs. Shame types "what is Gap".
She applies the following definition and hopes for the best:
"Gap (noun): A break or a hole in an object or between 2 objects".
Mrs. Shame finds this example useful:
"A Permanent and Irrevocable Gap in Communication."
Mrs. Shame mulls and deals again.
Somehow she is always the one to deal.
They play the Gap game in a loop, like all games. Over and Over.Sometimes it's Over and Out.
Mr. R. always wins, obviously.
He knows the rules and Mrs. Shame is still only guessing.
The card Mr. Reasons loves most is the Big Gap card. It's his lucky card.
He plays it at interesting intervals.
This always keeps Mrs. Shame on her toes.
When she's not paying attention, she falls into the trap.
Mr. R. Plays with more dedication to the game than to Mrs. Shame.
He thinks she loves this, or at least doesn't mind.
Mrs. Shame, after she puts her mind to it, thinks the Big Gap card is a red herring.
She looks for the card that counters the Big Gap card.
She mulls over irrevocable gaps in communication, and deals again.
It's a stalemate.
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