Friday, November 11, 2011

Eat or Be Eaten

She was licked by a beautiful tiger
called desire.
It ate her up.
left her guts spread, hanging by a thread.
he had too much to eat,
didn't chew the bones.
Now hollow, the bones forgot they once touched flesh.
Dry, dispersed to the dust of time,
new diggers wonder what messed up such a good skeleton.
what natural force sent those legs flying.

A matter of convenience

On the matter of convenience:

Is this a goal for me?

Sex is inconvenient. You put a finger here,

something else there, then you want that here and this there,

but now, not later. It’s quite urgent you see. The moment might pass,

a loss of momentum is detrimental. We may never recover.

We may start to think of our faces.

You rearrange bodies in unruly patterns, you could get a cramp.

Again, again, you change, must reinvent, not to be a bore.

to satisfy.

Put Life on a mini hold while you search for the illusive. After (never during)

You think of shopping.

Was it a minute? An hour? No one remembers but we count,

Was timing wrong, too slow or fast? and the eternal question of where;

Prominent, sometimes even titillating.

Time and space: a physical arrangement.

A saga of an inconvenient smut. Potential ghastly consequences.

Best forget the whole thing, and go and have some tea.